Nikolaos Dimitriou

Front-end Developer, Web Developer

Computer Scientist, with Web Development at heart.

Developing beautiful, modern, user-friendly experiences for your website visitors.
My goal is to make your website a complete and flawless advertisement of your services and products.

Projects completed
Years of experience


Web Design

Designing each website based on the target group and its unique purpose. Every action must answer a question.

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Web Development

Developing a website either from scratch or building upon an existing project, while adding more features and functionality.

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WordPress Development

WordPress is the most popular CMS and for a good reason. It’s easy to develop, use and maintain. WordPress rocks!

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Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design is crucial. People use their phones, more than any other device. Is your website mobile-ready?

Speed Optimization

Speed is an important factor that affects your traffic. If your website is slow, you are losing visitors and prospect clients.


I will apply S.E.O., so your website is correctly structured and search engines can “understand” your content better.

“Your website represents the image of your business; your image. My job is to present it to your audience loud and clear, to get your message across.”



Looking for a freelance web developer? Contact me!

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  • Receive a quote.
  • Start a new project with me.
  • Learn more about my services.
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